File: c:/ddc/Angel/BestIntentions/Diamond.html Date: Sat Jun 26 19:58:54 2010 (C) OntoOO/ Dennis de Champeaux
Diamond has poured a life time of anthropological study, observations of out the way locations on the planet of ancient civilizations and the wisdoms and thoughts of life long friends from around the world in Collapse. It is exhaustive and demands here and there perseverance to appreciate the detailed explanations for mishaps, unfortunate circumstances and human erroneous judgments or just fate that lead societies to decline and/or disappear.
He describes ancient ones: Easter Island, Pitcairn Islanders, Henderson Island, the Anasazi, the Maya, the Viking, Norse Greenland, New Guinea highlands, Tikopia Island, Tokugawa era of Japan and some others.
Surviving and succeeding of the ancient ones are New Guinea highlands, Tikopia Island, and the Tokugawa era of Japan.
Modern societies discussed: Montana, Rwanda, Haiti and The Dominican Republic, China and Australia.
Diamond gives a framework of five distinct factors that play a role in the collapse of the ancient civilizations:
Diamond describes matter of fact that Christian mission changed the population equilibrium by preaching against abortion, infanticide, and suicide. The population grew from 1,278 in 1929 to 1753 in 1952. Two cyclones hit, which caused widespread famine. Massive intervention was required to ship in food, and relocate people to other islands. The number of permitted residents is now 1,115. Diamond does not describe how that level is maintained.
This valley is atypical because its exceptional beauty has attracted the rich. They live part-time, or even less, in gated communities and have no interactions with locals. Their influx has caused land prices to rise so that agriculture business becomes unfeasible. Diamond describes interviews of people whose goals and perspectives are incompatible. Those that do development for new comers do fine, for now, while the lifestyle of the old timers erodes. Rich new comers buy up the land for the views so that farmland is more valuable to be split up for ranchettes, which destroys the views. In Diamond's words:
... the Bitterroot Valley presents a microcosm of the environmental problems plaguing the rest of the US: increasing population, immigration, increasing scarcity and decreasing quality of water, locally and seasonally poor air quality, toxic wastes, heightened risks from wildfires, forest deterioration, losses of soil or its nutrients, losses of biodiversity, damage from introduced pest species and effects of climate change.Water is over allocated, which is a convoluted way to say that there is overpopulation. Dairy farms (400 in 1964, 9 in 2005) have trouble to survive because expenditures go up while the price of milk does not.
Diamond interviews a developer in the Bitterroot valley who says:
I'm frequently seen by environmentalists as a cause of the problems in the valley, but I can't create demand; someone else will put up the buildings if I don't.This is priceless, everywhere else in the world a developer can claim the same.
Zooming out: Montana "... has about 20,000 abandoned mines ... that will be leaking acid and ... toxic metals essentially forever." Orchards, originally a main source of revenue, are not economically viable any longer. Low rainfall causes low rates of plant growth. High latitude and altitude entails a short growing season. Forestry does not pay because trees grow too slow, while environmental regulations tie up all applications for logging requests. Soil deteriorates due to salination as the result of crop-and-fallow agricultural practices. There is more trouble: arson in forests, seeding with predator fish that wipe out native species, introduction of weed species that are expensive to control.
Sectors of the economy listed by Diamond as growing: tourism, recreation, retirement living, and health care. These sectors are secondary, dependent on the primary sectors spinning off enough discretionary income and wealth and are immediately in danger when there is a recession or worse.
The clincher is the following quotes:
... half of the income of Montana residents doesn't come from their work within Montana, but instead consists of money flowing into Montana from other US states: federal government transfer payments (such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and poverty programs) and private out-of-state funds (out-of-state pensions, earnings on real estate equity and business income).
Montanans especially bristle at the ... remote federal government in Washington DC, telling them what to do ... But they don't bristle at the federal government money of which Montana receives and accepts about a dollar-and-a-half for every dollar send from Montana to Washington.
If Montana would be isolated like Eastern Island their society would have collapsed already, whether gradually or, why not, with the convulsions of genocide as in Rwanda.
Diamond does not mention that Montana is not an exception. There are 31 other states that like Montana get more from the federal government than their 'fair' share [taxfoundation2005]. (Montana ranks on the 11th spot from the bottom; see the list in the Economy chapter.) There are no penalties for the plight of these states and there are no other pressures to become self-reliant. Hence the 'on the dole status' of these states may deteriorate over time. It resembles the tolerance of the society for a growing, now majority of the population being net-consumers.
States being self-reliant would be an excellent requirement expressed by a constitutional amendment. Actually, states should contribute fairly also to, for example, the security services that the Federal government provides.
The Montana chapter is the first one in Diamond's Collapse book. If it would have been the one before last, he may have had more impact on our sleeping-at-the-wheel politicians.
He does not proceed with the cause(s) of his optimism. Instead he demolishes a whole series of other hypothetical people's optimism, which would invalidate his extensive 500-page analysis and observations. Fresh data supporting more gloom and doom is provided thereby wiping out these straw-men hopes.
Finally, the last three pages has the causes for his hopes:
- "... we are not beset by insoluble problems."
- "We don't need new technologies ... we 'just' need the political
will to apply solutions already available."
- "The environmental movement has been gaining adherents at an
increasing rate ..."
- "... encouraging examples of courageous long-term thinking ... of
NGOs, business, and government."
- Regarding the courage to change core values: "The government of
China restricted the traditional freedom of individual reproductive
choice ..."
- "Intrinsic population growth in Japan and Italy is already below the
replacement rate ..."
- In contrast with previous collapsing societies: "Past societies
lacked archeologists ..." and "... we have the opportunity to learn
from the mistakes of distant peoples and past peoples."
Again, we have great admiration for Diamond's Collapse book and thus the following comments do not diminish our recommendation to read his text.
We found only one minor item we actually disagree with. He claims about wealthy people in the United States that they "... vote against taxes that would extend those amenities as public services to everyone else." Wealthy people are such a small minority (less than 5%) that their votes do not count and they pay already more than 50% on the income taxes. Diamond is apparently not aware that great majorities in welfare states have become dependent on the redistribution transfer function of the government (thereby limiting - actually blocking - the government's policy choices for the long-term common good of the society).
Diamond's expertise is at the 'physical' level, humanity's ability to mess up its environment and now the planet's biosphere. But, he is short in his analysis on what we (all levels) are doing about our current global foul-ups. He avoids proposing fixes. He, likely, hopes that his diagnosis text will trigger wake up calls in our leaders. It is not happening.
Diamond does mention that a society needs to abandon core values in order to survive, but he does not get into the gory details what that means in our 21st century setting. Specifically, he mentions overpopulation repeatedly but he refuses to advocate a worldwide 1-child policy; a crucial omission, from our perspective.
We have described in the Education chapter that IQ was sucked out over time from the bottom 50% of societies with free, public education. This process increased (and increases) the difference between the haves and have-nots within those societies. An analogous process happens worldwide now for many decades. Centers of excellence in affluent countries are buying up the brightest, thereby depleting the brainpowers of the regions from which they are recruited.
The planet is splitting up in three regions:
- Affluent (for now), developed and with most brain power
- Rich in raw resources and able to buy into affluence and/or support
an exploding population
- The rest, which is already descending into poverty if not chaos
Diamond's collapse - which he shies away from - looks unavoidable as discussed in the next chapter.