2, rue Andre Pascal 75775 Paris Cedex 16 France Sun May 24 14:44:29 2015Open Letter
Dear OECD,
This regards a Web posting about your recent report "Rising inequality holding back economic growth". There are two major problems with that report.
(1) The press is talking already for decades about rising income inequality. You add nothing to the usual causes: automation, outsourcing, and international trade deals, which allows exporting labor to low wage nations. You are not even aware of stratification of welfare populations along the cognitive dimension due to a century of public education, heritability of cognitive skills and increasing assortative mating. You are certainly also ignorant of the consequence of a century of dysgenic fertility (the reversal of survival of the fittest): shifting of the IQ bellcurve to the left. { One study claims that there were in 1900 more people with IQ at least 130 than in 2000, while there was a 400% population increase. }
(2) You keep beating on the drum for economic growth, like all current naive world leaders: the Planet can NOT sustain since 1980 the extraction of resources: 4B people could be sustained, but only 2B if the lifestyle of the US is to be had world wide.
I assume that your staff is smart enough to know all the facts in:
and in the references of the different chapters. If so you can be
accused of "kicking the can down the road", like all the politicians
with a short attention span. If not, you are invited to get up to
speed pronto with a World system analysis that spans the rest of this
century and that takes into account what we should leave to the
subsequent generations, see for starters:
Dennis Meadows
World3 Again
Jorgen Randers
Lost Worlds
In both cases you are advised to stop trash reporting, think way, way deeper about the 'condition humaine' and propose tough choices for humanity.