2006 March

AARP's Red Ink Rising by Elaine Povich

This article in the 2006 Feb Bulletin gives the following facts:
-- The society is in debt: $156,000 per person
-- The yearly federal deficit per household is $3,000

The AARP polled 1026 members regarding how to fix the problem. Here the results:
69% Keep the estate tax on estates over $2M
61% Raise income taxes for households earning over $100K
41% Cut defense spending
38% Create a national sales tax
30% Cut farm subsidies
25% Raise the Social Security tax
11% Cut Medicare and Medicaid
7% Cut Social Security benefits
Very questionable choices and answers. Here an alternative:

				Editor of AARP Bulletin

				Sun Mar 05 21:05:12 2006

Topic: Elaine Povich's  "Red Ink Rising"

Thanks for raising this key topic!  Polling the members about a
solution without analysing the unpleasant causes of the nation's
deficit and reporting about the poll's results is however quite

Cause 1: A broken healthcare system.  It is now 16% of GDP while other
countries have a healthier population which costs them 7-10% of GDP.
It took decades to produce this monster in the US. It is the result of
the public sector (federal government) creating an entitlement
(Medicare) without cost controls and without guidelines.  HMO's were
created to contain the spiraling costs from the service providers.
Now the HMO's are the problem: 30% of the $1.9T is administrative

Hence the choice in your poll should not be cutting Medicare/Medicaid, 
but cutting the WASTE/ inefficiencies/ administrative overhead in these
programs.  But, it will take many years to eradicate this cancer.

Cause 2: You point out that the government spends $22K per household
and receives only $19K on average.  It pays to look closer at the
- Inspite of 100 years of progressive taxes, the bottom 50% owns less
than 6% of the nation's assets
- The bottom 50% does not pay federal income tax
- The bottom 95% pays only 50% of federal income tax
Thus the US has a huge parasitical (from a socio/economic perspective)
underclass.  Combining the data in the Bell Curve book and the theory in
Steven Pinker's Blank Slate one can explain this disfunctional
underclass as the result of gradual shifting of the IQ bell curve to
the left due to disproportional procreation in the bottom half of the
society. Free public education has paradoxically ADDED to the IQ
discrepancy between the top and the bottom, because hidden talents
are filtered out and are pushed up wards.  Thus the journalist mantra
"the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer" must be
replaced by: the top is getting smarter and the bottom is getting
dumber.  (This explains why we have a slowly increasing incarceration
ratio - with the associated burden on the country's economy.)

Hence the fix for this situation is painful, controversial and will
also take a long time: creating penalties for over use of entitlements
by the lower echalons of the society.
(Please note that the overpopulation in the world - including the US -
is causing irreversable damage to the planet since 1980, which entails
that we need drastic steps anyway.)

Please look now again at your poll topics.  Grossly misleading, right?
